Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Day 191: Thy Kingdom Come

 DAY 191

Faith in the Midst of a Pandemic
A series of daily reflections for people of faith
by Rev. Robert Bayley, Interim Pastor
Patuxent Presbyterian Church, California, Maryland
Week Twenty-eight    Monday 21 September 2020

“Thy kingdom come”
“Christian and Citizen Sunday is important to illustrate that we are citizens of two kingdoms, the kingdom of heaven and the earthly one. These two identities can co-exist as long as we remember that they are not equal. Our goal is to live according to one while living in the other. We want the latter to be more like the former as a place where all are valued as children of God. We want the earthly kingdom to flourish as a place where the needs of all are met and God is acknowledged as Lord.”  From the Office of Public Witness of the Presbyterian Church USA in Washington DC.

Yesterday, 20 September, was marked as the annual “Christian and Citizen Sunday” in the Presbyterian Church US.A. While the designation might seem awkward – why not just “Christian Citizen Sunday” – “and” is intended to make it very clear that these are two separate identities.
We are Christians first, and then we also happen to be citizens of a country, and while they each are distinct, they are not mutually exclusive: our being citizens of God’s kingdom is intended, in the economy of God, to influence the kingdom or country or culture in which we find ourselves.

The Apostle Paul, for whom his being a Roman citizen was not only important but something he was able to use to share the Gospel where he would not have otherwise been able to go. The Biblical images of our being salt, light and leaven, factor into our understanding of our placement as citizens of God’s kingdom in the particular political entity or ‘kingdom’ in which we find ourselves. The key is to “remember that they are not equal.”

God gave Jeremiah a word to communicate to the Jews in exile in Babylon: “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” Jeremiah 29:7. “Christian and Citizen Sunday” is intended to remind us to live as “Thy kingdom come” people in whatever earthly kingdom God in his sovereignty has placed us, for if where we live prospers we are also the beneficiaries. Tomorrow we will focus on praying for leaders of the earthly kingdom in which God has placed us. 

Reflective question: What do you think is God’s purpose in placing you in this country?

Reflective Scripture: Philippians 3:20 – “But our citizenship is in heaven,...”

Reflective hymn:
“Church of God, Elect and Glorious” – James Seddon (1915-1983)
Once you were an alien people, strangers to God’s heart of love,
But he brought you home in mercy, citizens of heaven above.
Let his love flow out to others, let them feel the Father’s care,
That they too may know his welcome and his countless blessings share.

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