Thursday, August 27, 2020

Day 172: World Focus: Monaco

DAY 172

                              Faith in the Midst of a Pandemic                     
A series of daily reflections for people of faith
by Rev. Robert Bayley, Interim Pastor
Patuxent Presbyterian Church, California, Maryland
Week Twenty-five    Wednesday 2 September 2020

World Focus: Monaco
Monaco is a tiny principality, a sovereign city-state, the second smallest country in the world consisting of a mere 500 acres, or a little less than one square mile. Packed into this small space are approximately 40,000 residents, the large homes of the wealthy, and hotels and gambling casinos. While the official state religion is the Roman Catholic Church and the seal of the principality contains the motto “Deo Juvante,” “with God’s help,” the culture is secular, materialistic and pleasure oriented.

Prayer Focus
+ Pray: “Monaco is culturally Catholic, but the real culture is one of materialistic hedonism. It is
very difficult to foster interest in spiritual things in such an environment. Pray that many would see the emptiness of such a lifestyle and seek the fulness of life Christ offers.”
+ Pray for a culturally appropriate witness in a context where evangelism is regarded as culturally unacceptable.
+ Pray: for the 2% of the population who are evangelical, that committed believers might impact the whole country.
+ Pray that the Holy Spirit will work deep within the people when they sing their national hymn, below, cultivating a true celebration of their religion, Christianity, and a true dependence on God.

Jesus’ Prayer Request each Wednesday:
“’The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest,
therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Jesus - Matthew 9:37-38.

For the full country profile and prayer needs for Monaco go to

Reflective question: Who do you know trapped in materialism, for whom you can pray?

Reflective Scripture: 1 John 2:15 – “Do not love the world or anything in the world.”

Reflective hymn:
“The National Hymn (Hymne Monegasque) of Monaco
Forever in our land, one flag has flown the wind.
Forever, the colors red and white have symbolized our liberty.
Adults and children have always respected them.
We have perpetuated the same traditions; we celebrate the same religion;
We have the honor to have always had the same Princes.
And nothing will change as long as the sun shines;
God will always help us and nothing will change.

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