Thursday, August 6, 2020

DAY 150: Writing

DAY 150
Faith in the Midst of a Pandemic
A series of daily reflections for people of faith, by Rev. Robert Bayley, Interim Pastor
Patuxent Presbyterian Church, California, Maryland –
Week Twenty-two Tuesday 11 August 2020

On Friday evening, 13 March the Elders of the church in which I serve met in an emergency meeting to discuss what our response would be to the frightening reality of something over which we could exercise no control: the presence of an invisible and deadly pandemic growing in strength within our country and around the world. At that meeting the decision was made, in response to directives issued earlier that same day by the State of Maryland, to immediately cease live worship services as well as all other in-house and in-person gatherings.

My silent inner response was that all of this was surreal, in a way wasn’t happening, and that it would soon pass. Word went out that Saturday morning via a congregation-wide email, and that first Sunday on lockdown I began this written offering to the people of our church and beyond, a heading that is a variation of the title of a novel, “Love in the Time of Cholera.”

Now we have reached 150 daily columns with no end in sight, an endeavor to which I am committed for the duration and as long as I am the interim pastor of this church. My words are for me inspired in a general sense, even as an artist is inspired to write music or create a painting. To that extent all creative gifts have their origin in God the Creator who has made us in His image, and therefore can be used by Him in our interacting with them to inspire us as well.

Here are some examples: “No pit is so deep but He is not deeper still,” Corrie ten Boom after surviving the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp, in the book and movie “The Hiding Place.”  “God has made me for a purpose, but he has also made me fast and when I run, I feel his pleasure,” Olympic gold medal runner Eric Liddel in the movie “Chariots of Fire.” These are quotes that inspire me. While Scripture remains what I was taught it to be growing up in the Presbyterian church – “The only rule of faith and practice,” the Holy Spirit is not limited in what He can use to inspire us. May what I write be used by Him in some way in your life to strengthen and grow your faith during this time of a pandemic. Comments, questions and observations may be directed to me at the email found on the masthead of this column. I know of a senior retirement home in Missouri and a Catholic Bible study group in Maryland using these columns. And you?

Reflective question: What succinct statement by a Christian writer inspires you in your walk?

Reflective Scripture: Psalm 102:18 – “Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord.”

Reflective hymn:
“Holy Spirit, Mighty God” – Calvin Seerveld (1930-    )
Holy Spirit, mighty God, tune our ears to hear the Word;
Open our hearts, convert our lives, mold us strong, sound; make us wise.

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