Thursday, September 12, 2019

Interim Pastor Announced

Reverend Robert Bayley
We are blessed to announce that Reverend Robert Bayley will begin serving Patuxent Presbyterian Church as Interim Pastor as of October 1st.

Robert Bayley was born and raised in Los Angeles, and baptized, confirmed and raised in the Presbyterian Church. A life-changing conversion to Christ experience during his senior year of high school sent him to a Christian school, Vanguard University of Southern California, for two undergraduate degrees. It was there he met and married Ruth, a foreign exchange student from Switzerland. This year will mark their 53rd anniversary.

Robert and Ruth Bayley celebrated their first anniversary as school teachers in an isolated Tlingit Indian village on an island off the coast of Alaska. After a move to Anchorage he received a graduate degree in education from Alaska Pacific University.

Following three years of graduate study and an M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, Rev. Bayley entered local church installed pastoral ministry for the next 30 years, during which time he received the D.Min. degree from United Theological Seminary (Ohio). He then received interim training and served interim pastorates in Alaska, New Hampshire, New Zealand and Seattle.

Retiring to Wilmington, NC, Rev. Bayley has been involved both as a stated supply pastor and as regular pulpit supply for small, rural Presbyterian churches.

Ruth Bayley was for many years a state licensed professional counselor, LPC, in private practice in Missouri and Alaska, and has also served on staff of several of the churches where Robert has served as pastor. She is a graduate of New York Theological Seminary, an ordained minister with the Disciples of Christ denomination and stated supply pastor of Oak Grove Presbyterian Church in Wilmington. She will continue in this position, spending two weeks and a Sunday with Rev. Bayley at Patuxent Presbyterian Church, and two weeks and three Sundays in Wilmington with a daughter, grandson and the church she pastors. 

The Bayleys have three children and three grandchildren scattered between Portland, Chicago and Wilmington, NC.

They look forward to getting to know the family of faith that is Patuxent Presbyterian Church and beautiful Southern Maryland.  

We look forward to welcoming Pastor Bayley 
and his family to Pax Pres!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome!! Today's service was a great combination of the ministers who have served us in the past and the new minister who will join them going forward. I can't wait for next Sunday!
