Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Thankful for Our 2024 WARM Leaders & Volunteers!

WARM (Wrapping Arms 'Round Many) is a faith-based, ecumenical effort providing safe and warm shelter for those in need during the winter months in St. Mary’s County. During the week of March 3rd–10th, Patuxent Presbyterian Church hosted an average of 12 guests per night. Our 111 volunteers rallied together to make our church a WARM, welcoming place for our guests by helping in one or more of the following ways: set-up; clean-up; hospitality check-in; guest relations; daily cleaning of restrooms; overnight monitoring; breakfast and dinner food prep, cooking, and serving; prepping and packing to-go lunches; playing music; emergency laundry.

Many thanks to the following for sharing the love of Jesus Christ and building bridges with people in our local community – and with each other:


Chris & Kristin Lawrence

WARM Site Coordinators


Stephanie Thomson

WARM Mentor


Rachel Portillo

WARM Recruiting Coordinator


Cherie Crescini & Beth Miller

WARM Kitchen Coordinators


Barbara Abell

Leon Anderson

Ann Barnes

Lisa Blottenberger

Gloria Brady

Diane Byers

Patrick Cole

Cherie Crescini

Jason Cross

Courtney Cuthbertson

Leah Cuthbertson

Patsy Davidson

Anna Catherine D’Orazio

Robbie D’Orazio

William Dressler

Roger Dressler

Geoffrey Engle

Dave Eschenbrenner

Jena Eschenbrenner

Melody Fink

Russ Fink

Jill Gaskin

Stephen Godfrey

Becky Goodrich

Grant Graessle

Carolyn Graessle

Samantha Graessle

Laura Guido

Tony Guido

Kim Hagan

Jack Hagan

Bob Hagan

Luke Harrit

Chris Harritt

Carolyn Huff

Cindy Johnson

Kathy Junek

Katie Karlow

Rick Krasnesky

Kristin Lawrence

Chris Lawrence

Kaden Lawrence

Ryan Ledig

Daniel Ledyl

Alice Lorek

Sarah Lorek

Edward Lorek

Sophie Lorek

Glenda Lytle

Lily Mason

Caleb Mason

Kathy Mazur

Frank Mazur

Susan McKinley

Scott McLellan

Susan Menthe

Kevin Miller

Beth Miller

Chris Neurauter

John Neville

Isabelle Olon

Jim Osterhouse

Norma Osterhouse

Mike Paul

Debbi Paul

Jim Payne

Lisa Payne

Jeff Pinkel

Nayla Pooley

Diane Pooley

Matt Pooley

Bob Portillo

Rachel Portillo

Genie Posnett

Grant Pritchard

William Quinn

Jean Reamy

Jamie Rhodes

James Rhoton

Kathryn Rivers

Cindy Robinson

Cindy Romano

Briana Roorda

Deborah Rounds

Kim Safford

Keith Schukraft

Emy Schukraft

Nate Schumacher

Christy Schumacher

Jonathan Schumacher

Patsy Schumacher

Patty Smith

Kevin Smith

Emma Smith

LuAnn Smouse

Dave Smouse

Josephine Stewart

Nicholas Stude

Shawn Thompson

Stephanie Thompson

Kelly Thurber

Max Thurber

Eli Thurber

Ted Turner

Steve Tuttle

Tina Watts

Julie Wilkening

Avary Wilkening

Heather Wolfe

Kevin Wolfe

Paul Wolter

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Easter Flower Dedications

The Easter Azaleas and Lilies

are given to the Glory of Almighty God by:




Sarah and Ryan Aaron

In memory of our grandparents.



To celebrate my secret sister, Lisa Payne.



In honor of my secret sister, Dolly Merritt.



To celebrate Pastor Robbie and Anna Catherine

for being a part of our Pax Pres family.


Gloria Brady

To celebrate Jesus Christ, our Risen Savior.


The Correll Family

In honor of our mothers, Carol and Hilma

and dedicated to our fathers, Larry and Bill.


The Cooleys

In memory of James Kundreskas.


Courtney Cuthbertson

In honor of my fellow Deacons

and in memory of my brother, Bill McAfee, Jr.


Patsy Davidson

In memory of my husband, Bruce Davidson.


Mike and Sue Desmond

In memory of loved ones.


Jim and CiCi Donnelly

In memory of CiCi’s father, William Carl.


Doug and Sarajayne Fraley

In memory of our parents, Donald & Christine Fraley

and Ralph and Joanne Heffendrager.


Brion and Lori Gallo

In honor of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.


Carolyn and Dick Huff

In memory of our mothers.


Kathryn Junek

In memory of Reverend Frank Junek

and the John Junek family.


Lawrence Family

In memory of our loved ones.


Jim and Karla Light

In honor of our Pax Pres family.


The Lorek Family

In honor of the Vence and Lorek family.


Glenda Lytle

In loving memory of my husband, Allen Lytle.


Frank and Kathy Mazur

In celebration of our Risen Lord!


Sue Menthe

In memory of Phil Menthe.


Paul and Dolly Merritt

To loving memory of Dolly’s parents,

Dot and Ed Ciesielski.


Donald and Deborah Patterson

In memory of Donald and Barbara Lanning,

and Merle and Elsie Patterson.


Mike and Debbi Paul

In honor of our parents.


Bill and Diane Quinn

In memory of Bill’s parents, Janette and William I. Quinn

and in honor of Naomi Thompson.


Rita Reeves

To the Glory of God.


Jack and Cindy Romano

In memory of Victor and Camille Romano

and Robert Ross.


Emma Ross

In memory of Robert Ross.


Deborah and Bob Rounds

In memory of Deborah’s mom,

Charlene Sisson.

Elaine Saaiman

In memory of Elaine's grandmother, Margaret Clements

and Neil's father and sister, Danie Saaiman and Lani Saaiman.


Tom and Patsy Schumacher

In memory of Patsy’s parents, Kathleen and Peter Van Bloem.

In memory of Tom’s father, Charles Schumacher

and in honor of Kevin Smith’s hard work in the garden club

and for the Glory of God.


Keith Schukraft

In loving memory of Emy’s mother,

Tsuyuko Takahashi.


Marilyn Sheldahl

In memory of my two husbands,

Pastor Illick and Richard Sheldahl, in heaven.


David and LuAnn Smouse

In memory of loved ones.


Kelly Thurber

In memory of Rex Bearden.


Tina Watts

In memory of Joan Hand,

longtime member of the Mary/Martha Circle.


Karen Wood

In memory of my step-dad, David Curtis.


Beth and Don Wright

In memory of Beth’s parents, Dorothy and Walter Frazier,

and Don’s parents, Helen and Donald Wright, Jr.

To celebrate the joy of our Risen Lord.