In honor of Janice Dixon,
my secret sister,
and for her generous service
to all of us at Pax Pres!
In honor of Chrystal Godfrey,
my secret sister
Coralie Adams and Family
In memory of my husband,
John W. Adams
and my parents,
Raymond and Kathryne Whitham
Leon and Mary Anderson
In honor of the handbell choir
Deb Barton
In memory of Louise Barton
Kim and Gerry Bohrer
In honor of their parents
Diane Byers
In honor of the Schnake and
Byers families
Danielson Family
In loving memory of Jeff’s mother,
in memory of Jay and Jordon Paganelli,
and in celebration of Christ’s birth
Eschenbrenner Family
To celebrate Anabel’s birthday
on December 23rd
Brian and Lori Gallo
To celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ
Katherine Gausmann
To celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ
Jarod Grant
In honor of my parents,
Gary and Diane Grant
Rev. Robert Hardin
In memory of my parents
and grandparents
Harritt Goostree Family
In loving memory of Eilene Kimmell
and Phyllis Harritt
Carolyn and Dick Huff
In loving memory of Vivian Faith Bolling,
Dick’s mother
Sharon Johnson
For God’s glory and praise
for His wonderful gift of Jesus
George and Lynn Brandt-Keenan
To honor all our families
Agatha Lakin
In loving memory of Toby Lakin, Jr.,
his parents, Toby and Patsy Lakin
and Leonard and Bonnie Cochran,
Aggie’s parents
Lawrence Family
In memory of Ruth Jensen
and Julie Lawrence
Karla and Jim Light
In honor of the Connolly
and Light families
Glenda Lytle
In loving memory of my husband, Allen,
son-in-law, Ian Seely,
and my parents
Frank and Kathy Mazur
In memory of Bonnie Clark and
to celebrate the birth
of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christine Neurauter
In memory of my father and my sister
Donald and Debbie Patterson
In memory of our parents,
Don and Barbara Lanning,
and Merle and Elsie Patterson
David Porter
In memory of Beverly H. Porter
Rita Reeves
To the glory of God
Kathryn Rivers
In memory of my husband Jay Rivers,
My grandparents, Spencer Smith, Sr.,
Joel and Kathryn McCaa,
and Dr. Spencer Smith, Jr.
Laura and Jamie Rhodes
In memory of loved ones who have passed
and in honor of those who remain
Cindy Romano
In memory of Dave and Connie Oliver
In memory of my grandparents,
Karl and Louise Ross,
and James and Millie Danielson,
and in honor of my parents,
Robert and Emma Ross
Christy Schumacher
In memory of the fallen Marines
and Sailors of the 4th Light
Armored Reconnaissance Battalion
Tom and Patsy Schumacher
In memory of the Schumacher and
Van Bloem families,
and in honor of Ken and Jean Reamy,
and the Pooley Family
Marilyn Sheldahl
In memory of two husbands in heaven,
Pastor Fred Illick and Rich Sheldahl
David and LuAnn Smouse
In memory of our parents, Lou and Ann Lakes,
and Bill and Hazel Smouse,
and David’s brother, Billy
In honor of our family
and the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ
Shawn and Nicole Thompson
To celebrate the blessing of our kids!
Bitsy Unangst
In loving memory of Kurt Unangst
VanMeter Family
In memory of Melody’s father, John Adams
and Tony’s father, Dale VanMeter
Tina and Mac Watts
In memory of Joan Hand
and our shared fellowship
The Wolfe Family
In memory of our family members,
Peter, Jane, and Megan Wolfe
and in honor of Grandma Patty
Don and Beth Wright and Family
In memory of Don’s parents
and Beth’s parents,
and in appreciation to
Pastor Matt, Diana, and family